Starknet Amsterdam | Blockchain Unpacked: L1 vs. L2, Gaming, and Empowering Devs & Non Devs

October 25, 2023

5 min

✍🏻 At A Glance

  • Blockchain's L1 vs L2: Leo and Henri discuss the nuances of these layers, highlighting L2's untapped potential for data transfer.

  • Beyond Token Transfer: Henri suggests the future lies in sending data between layers, enabling advanced cross-layer applications.

  • Blockchain Gaming's Rise: The power of ZKRollup paves the way for intricate on-chain games.

  • Developer Challenges:

    • Rapidly evolving info leads to confusion.

    • Tool compatibility issues.

    • Waiting for the next big feature.

  • Value of Non-Developers: Both stress the vital role non-devs play, bringing unique insights and skills to the blockchain ecosystem.

  • Key Takeaway: Trust and empower builders to harness their creativity for the blockchain's future.

Decoding the Future: L1, L2, and the Blockchain Evolution

Blockchain technology, with its promise of decentralization and security, is evolving at a rapid pace. At the heart of this evolution are Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) solutions. Let's delve into this intricate world and demystify these concepts.

1. The Simple Analogy

Imagine a bustling highway (L1) – the primary infrastructure where all cars (transactions) run. As traffic increases, congestion becomes a concern. To address this, service lanes (L2) are built alongside the main road. These lanes allow for swifter movement, reducing jams on the primary highway.

2. Understanding L1 and L2

Leo kickstarted the conversation by differentiating between L1 and L2. He observed that while many are familiar with operations on L1, L2 can feel a bit mysterious. Henri added depth to this by pointing out that the true potential of bridges isn't just transferring tokens or NFTs between layers, but also in transferring data. "Blockchains are designed to execute code. What if, rather than sending assets, you could send data?" This perspective opens doors to cross-layered applications, magnifying the potential of both layers.

3. Bridging the Technical with the Non-Technical

Henri emphasized the need to grasp blockchain from both a technical and a non-technical standpoint. While intricate technical factors drive L1 and L2 operations, it's vital to approach them from a non-technical angle, especially for those new to the space.

4. Gaming - The New Frontier

A highlight of the conversation was the surging interest in blockchain gaming. Henri shed light on the immense computing capabilities of ZKRollup, which enables the creation of more sophisticated on-chain games. As infrastructure advances, game development on the blockchain is becoming more user-friendly, even for those not deeply versed in blockchain intricacies.

5. Challenges for Developers

While the blockchain realm is promising, it doesn't come without hurdles, especially for developers. Henri detailed some of these challenges:

  • Fragmented Information: Rapid developments can render information obsolete, leading to potential misunderstandings.

  • Environment Compatibility: Tools and platforms might not always be compatible, necessitating frequent adaptations.

  • Feature Evolution: The swift pace of progress can make desired features seem just out of reach, inducing a sense of always playing catch-up.

6. A Word for Non-Developers

Leo underscored the essential contributions of non-developers in the blockchain ecosystem. While developers are at the core, non-developers bring a distinct perspective and expertise. Henri concurred, emphasizing that the youthful stage of the ecosystem means there's space for everyone, tech-savvy or not.

7. Closing Thoughts

The realms of L1 and L2 in blockchain are laden with possibilities. Although challenges are par for the course, the rewards, both in terms of technological innovation and real-world applications, are monumental. As Henri aptly put it, "Placing trust in your builders and nurturing their creativity is the most rewarding approach."